Message from MCMP’s Organization & Education

To the members of MCMP,

We hope you are all having a good start to the semester! As the Organization and Education Chairs for the club, we would like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves and our goals for the upcoming semester.

Pictured left: My name is Ranya Sareen (she, her, hers), and I am a junior majoring in Communications and Media on the Cappo Sales Track from New York City. In addition to MCMP, I am an active member of Michigan Innovative Marketing (MIM). Post graduation, I would like to work in sports marketing or advertising.

Pictured right: My name is Alix Sholomon (she/her/hers) and I am a junior studying Communications on the pre-law track from Long Island, New York. Outside of MCMP, I am active in Beta Alpha Rho (BAR), a Pre-Law and Public Service co-ed fraternity, and a writer for Hopelessly Yellow. Post graduation, I want to attend law school and eventually work in-house as an entertainment lawyer for a large media conglomerate.

What is your favorite TV show?

Ranya: Ozark

Alix: Succession

Favorite class at Michigan so far?

Ranya: COMM 251 Understanding Media Industries and MKT 313 Consumer Behavior

Alix: COMM 251 Understanding Media Industries and PHIL183 Critical Reasoning

Our fun fact: We are roommates!

Now that we have introduced ourselves, we want to take a moment to share some of our plans for the semester. As a new committee, our positions are fairly autonomous to cater to your needs. Our major responsibilities lie within the depths of:

  • Professional development

    • Resume and LinkedIn building

    • Course recommendations

    • Internship scouting

  • Peer mentorship program

    • Pairing an underclassman with an upperclassman

    • Please fill out the attached form if interested.

  • Advice

    • Feel free to email or text us with any questions or if you would like to make an appointment.

    • We are generally free Tuesdays 10 am-11 am.

These are only a few of the ideas we have so far and we cannot wait to get started. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or if you would just like to introduce yourself!


Ranya Sareen and Alix Sholomon


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