Wondering what exactly Communication is? Technically speaking, the disciple of communication is defined as “how people use messages to generate meanings within and across various contexts, cultures, channels, and media” by the National Communication Association (1995).

Communication and Media studies lay the foundation for formulating messages, getting to know your audiences, and utilizing essential communication theories. In any Comm and Media program, students enhance their writing and communication skills in order to prepare for future careers in a number of growing industries. Michigan’s Communication and Media Department seeks to teach students about mass and emerging media through classes and events. 

For all students interested in communication and media, whether entering their first year or embarking upon their final year, identifying strength areas within the curriculum can assist in finding careers applicable to one’s skills and interests. Communication and Media studies lay the ground for multiple career industries, including advertising/PR/marketing, journalism, new media & social media, entertainment industries, global media, media psychology, media law & public policy, identity and culture, and politics and government.  

Regardless of what industry students are seeking to enter, communication skills are a top characteristic that employers look for in applicants. Studying communication and media enables students to perfect skills such as writing, research, design, social media strategy, data & analytics, and more. In addition, it builds on soft skills like listening, speaking, creative thinking, decision making, problem-solving, reasoning, self-esteem, sociability, self management, integrity, and honesty.

Wondering how to make the most out of your MCMP experience? As first or second-year members, students can turn to MCMP peer advisors to answer questions about general major requirements, internship preparation, and any other Comm and Media related inquiries. In addition, MCMP offers numerous recruitment events and speakers that give members the chance to connect with and learn from successful individuals in the field of communications. For second, third, and fourth-year students, these events can be great resources to aid in securing summer internships. In addition, MCMP allows members to make connections with other students! Forging relationships with fellow members is an essential part of the Comm and Media major experience. 

Regardless of what path students intend to pursue, Communication & Media departments have a place for every interested student. With the abundant number of resources and courses provided, there truly are endless opportunities. 

Helpful Resources: 

Career Path Graphic

Comm Department Website

MCMP Website

—- Brooke Halak, October 2022


Resources for Communication Majors on Campus


Volunteer Opportunity with Detroit Youth